Ever hear a leader say, “Our team is empowered.” Or, “Act like you are empowered.” Empowerment is not something bestowed upon someone. You can’t speak empowerment into existence without being intentional and putting effort into it. If you want to empower your team, where should you start? First you needContinue Reading

I take an extra long time to get ready in the morning, even without a morning commute. And now and then I question whether I need to take all that time. And if I don’t take time to examine it, I start to feel guilty for not putting the timeContinue Reading

When it comes to talking about the type of leader we want to be and work for, many times the discussion focuses on the skills we need to practice, the mindset we need, and the habits we should cultivate. Today I have a story that just took place that demonstratesContinue Reading

I’ve been hearing from a lot of people who are unsettled in their current role. Often the backstory is similar. They joined an organization and were happy with their team and leadership. Time moved on and so did their manager. And now they are happy working with some of theirContinue Reading

It all started over a year ago. My company had a layoff. A lot of good people suddenly found themselves in job transition. (Maybe you know what that’s like). Actually, it started a few years before that when I was in job transition. I had been laid off after 17Continue Reading