We’ve recently been talking about the habits of being proactive, reflecting on experience to produce insight, and suspecting yourself first. But we didn’t get into why building great habits is so important in the first place! I’ll lean on some successful authors on and around the topic of habits toContinue Reading

You do things at work pretty well. You’re to the point where you know the context, you have the skills, and you can add value without a lot of guidance. Let’s say you’re a software engineer, and you just made a change to the code. You run it through someContinue Reading

Blue bicycle with orange tires

In the last blog post we talked about being proactive, which is really about taking responsibility for our choices and for our lives. So, you might think that the question, “Should I be figuring out my next move?” would be an automatic ‘yes’ if you are proactive. Maybe. Probably. ButContinue Reading

“I’m responsible for my life” Habit 1 from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change is called ‘Be Proactive’. It’s about taking responsibility for your choices, for your thoughts, for your actions, and really for your life. This habit changed my life forContinue Reading

In each post we’ll be talking about a habit, concept, skill, or idea that you may want to think about, or put into practice. I’ll give you references you can follow-up on and practical tips to try if you so choose. The book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:Continue Reading