One thing…(one thing)…leads to another… Do you have that 80s song stuck in YOUR head now? Sorry about that. They say all you need to do to get the song out of your head is to finish the song. Trouble is I don’t know all the lyrics. Anyway, what doesContinue Reading

When I review a resume for the purpose of modernization, I look for 10 things. Once you go through the list, take a look at your own resume and determine if it could use a makeover. Visual Appeal Font size – is it too small, too big, too varied? WeContinue Reading

Are you afraid of getting let go? Do you not speak up in meetings because people like that end up “on the list?” Have you ever thought to yourself you would have no idea what you would do if you got let go or laid off? Go from fearing beingContinue Reading

Mastering a skill sounds overwhelming. Mastering. Might even seem impossible! Let me encourage you. If there is something you want to learn how to do, chances are that if it’s realistic then it’s possible to master – or at least get pretty good at. In the following I’ll show youContinue Reading

I know you add value to those around you. I also know many of us do not see the value we add. If any of the following statements sound like you, then you may not be taking credit for the value that you bring with your unique skills, talents andContinue Reading

It’s easy to procrastinate and put off updating your resume. Here are 5 compelling reasons why you should stop procrastinating and start updating! Reason 1: You are actively looking for a new role If you are out of work now this might be obvious. Updating your resume might have beenContinue Reading

“My feet are frozen on this middle groundThe water’s warm here but the fire’s gone outI played it safe for so long, the passion leftTurns outSafe is just another word for regret” From the song “All In” – by Matthew West Do these lyrics resonate with you when it comesContinue Reading

Are you actively thinking about finding a new role? I’ve been reading a fair number of articles stating that many people are thinking about a job or career move. Over the last year I personally know a handful of people who have changed employers by choice. Some were contacted byContinue Reading

“Slow down to speed up.” There are plenty of examples where this doesn’t work. Like in your car on dry pavement on a nice day. All slowing down does is, well, slow you down. However, when it comes to figuring out what your next role will be – and let’sContinue Reading

You’ve figured out what you want to do. You’ve updated your resume and LinkedIn profile to support your case for adding value in the role you want to do. And you get an interview! Make sure it’s a success. Here are 4 things to avoid when interviewing. One: Talking tooContinue Reading