I have exciting news! You might have noticed I’ve been posting a lot on LinkedIn the past week. I’ve been shooting for one post a day to be exact. The posts serve two purposes: help people who are in job transition, and to start giving a glimpse into what to expect from my upcoming course: Job Transition Jump Start 5 Day Challenge!

I’ve mentioned the course before. In fact, I had a version 1 that I asked a few people to look at for feedback. I ended up revamping the entire look and feel, and some of the information. It’s almost done!!

The posts will (hopefully) serve to establish interest for the people who will benefit – professionals who have recently been laid off. I’m guessing that engineers and technically minded people might be drawn to my approach most (but we’ll see!).

When I was in job transition, I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do, except I didn’t want to do what I was doing before. And I had to ask myself what I would be qualified for if I didn’t do what I had been doing. (Anything?)

Turns out I was (almost) qualified for the position I ended up taking, ScrumMaster. I didn’t have any experience in Scrum, but I had experience with the Scrum/Agile mindset. All the hours I spent learning about leadership and team building was directly applicable to that role. Actually learning the mechanics of being a ScrumMaster was easy. My employer must have thought so too because they took a chance on me and put me in that role.

To come to this conclusion, I did a lot of reflecting. I also talked to a lot of people. The Job Transition Jump Start 5 Day Challenge is a guide for doing what I did: reflecting on what I was good at and what I wanted to do. The goal of the JTJS 5 Day Challenge is to be able to confidently articulate what you really want to do.

Confidently articulate what you really want to do.

This is critical to be able to do before you update your resume or start talking to people about what you want to do.

I’m still very interested in leadership and effective teams. I might sneak in a post here and there on those topics! But you’ll likely see more posts from me regarding job transition for a bit longer.

If you know anyone who would like to beta test the course (that is, look at it now and provide feedback even though not all the modules are done and I’m still tweaking), or would like to alpha test (all the modules will be ready), or purchase when it’s production ready, reply to this email and let me know.

Thanks as always for all your support. It truly means the world to me.