You’re looking for a job. Or you’re thinking of looking for a job. You are a student who has just graduated, or you’ve been laid off, or you’re looking for a change. Are you thinking this is a bad time to find a job?

Let me take a moment to encourage you. I personally know three people in engineering who have found new positions since “safer at home” went into effect. These were all people who had positions and found new positions, and it shows that there are companies hiring.

Let me say that again.

Companies are hiring.

Not all companies are hiring, of course. Some companies and industries are hurting and have had to let go of good people to stay viable. But other companies are doing well, and some are doing great. And some are hiring even though new employees will necessarily be remote to start.

Test the assumption that no one is hiring. Assuming no one is hiring will demotivate you from looking for a job. Scratch that. Assuming no one is hiring will demotivate you from looking for a role that is a great fit for your skills, talents, and experience.

You have unique value to contribute, and I know when you do you feel fulfilled. Is this a tough time? You bet. But by adjusting your assumption from ‘no one is hiring’ to ‘there’s a great role out there for me’ you’ll greatly increase your odds of finding that role!

engineer your life

Let go of the assumption that no company is hiring. Adopt a mindset that a great role is waiting for you right now!

Read the book The Proximity Principle: The Proven Strategy That Will Lead to the Career You Love. Author Ken Coleman lays out the steps to get to know the people you need to know, and be the places you need to be in order to find the role that’s right for you.