Slowly – but surely – the world is opening again. Before you transition from where you’ve been during this virus situation, ask yourself these 10 questions. As John Maxwell says:

“Experience is not the best teacher – evaluated experience is.”

John Maxwell

So let’s get to evaluating this unique experience!

  1. What did you appreciate during this time?
  2. What did you not appreciate/dislike during this time?
  3. What did you miss?
  4. What don’t you miss?
  5. What did you discover about yourself?
  6. What did you discover about others?
  7. What was made easier?
  8. What was made more difficult?
  9. What do you want to keep doing?
  10. What do you want to stop doing?

engineer your life

Answer the questions above. If you are moved to make a positive change or cultivate a new habit, consider what would need to be true for that change or habit to take hold. Then make it happen 😊