Ever learn something that corrected what you thought was true? Like learning that pineapples don’t grow on tropical trees like coconuts, but rather low to the ground.

Doesn’t look like a palm tree, does it?

It’s humbling in a way. You think you know something…and then you realize you don’t.

Not sure how we get into these predicaments. I suppose I could fishbone this and dig into the root cause, but that’s not the point of this article.

The point is, we think we know things that we really don’t know. So when I tell you the following, keep that in mind because for you it might be a ‘duh’ but for me it was learning the truth.

The truth is…dry erase markers are not just for dry erase boards – you can use them on glass surfaces as well!

There you go, mind blown. Well, maybe not – this is somewhat old news that you can use a dry erase marker on glass. But when I heard it, I took a step back and said ‘whoa.’ Or I imagined I did anyway. Honestly I don’t really remember my reaction…I mean, it is just a dry erase marker.

Armed with this new information I realized quickly my bathroom mirror could be transformed into a grand note-taking, list-making, self-affirming surface! And yours can be too!

This DIY costs very little – the cost of a dry erase marker. I assume you already have a bathroom mirror. Then you’re off to the races.

Just think of how many times you had an idea getting ready in the morning but by the time you got anywhere near a paper and pen or a screen the idea escaped your brain. (Funny how we remember we had an idea but can’t remember the idea itself. Hmmmm.)

Now you have the tool that will defeat your brain’s inability to hold onto your idea that will change the world! Or change your shopping list for the evening. Whatever. You just write it on the bathroom mirror. It’s there until you decide to clean it off.

This dry erase/mirror method works best for ideas, thoughts, and information that are temporary. Your desire to live in a clean environment will prompt you to clean the mirror regularly. Even so, there should be ample time for you to transfer your idea or data to another platform.

Data you ask?

Keeping track of your weight? What a great way to record it – on the mirror! Easy, accessible, no need to remember the measurement for more than a few seconds. If you have a digital scale the number might still be visible if the result escapes your brain in the two steps to the mirror.

Feeling a little down? Write yourself a message! Have a favorite inspirational quote? No? Then just a “You’ve got this” or a big smiley face might be just what you need to pick yourself up and keep moving forward.

Any way you use this tool – the dry erase marker and the mirror – you’ll certainly benefit.