It’s easy to procrastinate and put off updating your resume. Here are 5 compelling reasons why you should stop procrastinating and start updating!

Reason 1: You are actively looking for a new role

If you are out of work now this might be obvious. Updating your resume might have been one of the first things you thought of doing when you entered job transition. However, if you are actively looking for a role but you have a job now, it might not be as obvious. In either case, if you are actively looking for a role your situation can change rapidly, and you will be asked to submit your resume. Have it ready!

Reason 2: You are actively thinking about looking for a new role

You have a job, but you are thinking you might like a different one. Updating your resume is a great way to align yourself in the direction of seeking a new role. To update your resume, you’ll need to think about what type of role you want next, what skills you want to use, and the environment you want to work in. When you can articulate these things you are well on your way to noticing the opportunities that are a better fit for you.

Reason 3: You can be promoted

Unless you are the CEO, you can be promoted. In many cases you need to apply formally to the position, through similar channels as external candidates. You will want an updated and polished resume so it stands out from the competition. You don’t want there to be any doubt that you are the right person for the role!

Reason 4: You don’t think you add much value / you don’t think about how much value you add

Updating your resume can be a confidence booster. You may need to talk through your experiences with someone to realize just how much value you add. What you think is easy – the things you do everyday – are not easy to everyone. You add value! Unearthing your accomplishments and quantifying the impact can make us feel good about the work we do.

Reason 5: You never know when an opportunity will show up

Over the past year I’ve had several people tell me they were not looking but were contacted by friends, former colleagues, recruiters, and hiring managers about opportunities. If your resume is up to date, you won’t feel panicked when they ask you for yours. Sure, you may need to tweak it a bit for the opportunity at hand, but you’ll be thanking yourself for having your current experience noted and for having your resume in a modern format.

In summary, updating your resume is important but in most cases it does not feel urgent. That’s why it’s easy to put off. Do yourself a favor, and block time on your calendar – yep, schedule time for yourself – and commit to updating your resume. You’ll necessarily have to acknowledge your accomplishments, so not only will you have an updated resume you’ll feel great too!